As salamu aleikum,

Have you ever thought that getting married as much as it was a beautiful thing drained you emotionally and spiritually to the point where you look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘Hi, Stranger’?

Dear, Wife, there is nothing wrong with you. I’m sure you have heard so many times to push through all the marital struggles and persevere with being a humble wife. If you are anything like that you are not alone!

No one teaches us, women (and men too!!), how to effectively communicate in marriage, how to solve issues with kindness, and how to cherish that feeling of falling in love with one another again and again.

You see, once we get married all those familiar things come in: routine, kids and other responsibilities and we forget about being a couple, about enjoying the journey together instead of fighting about kids.

I know you are tired, you want your husband to ‘read’ you, to be a step ahead of you, but what if I told you that it’s possible and you can do it?

I am sincerely recommending this soul doctor to anyone searching, lost or pending in an unsatisfying state of life.

As for me, I have tasks to do now, so good luck, explorers! Wishing all the best – L. B., UK. 


Who am I?

I’m  Veronika al Mahdiyah, professional confidence coach and marriage consultant.

And I should be the first one to admit that the first few years of my marriage was a tough time, just because there was us two trying to make the ‘thing’ (a.k.a. our marriage) work.

But it’s so hard to push it through alone. No advice, but be patient was given and you know how it made me feel? Like a failure, cause it seemed that it was just me who have not yet figured it out.

I felt fed up and intimidated. I wanted to finally enjoy my marriage, instead of dreading it.

I will never forget that moment when my post-pregnancy/post-study-deadline/post-health turmoil body and mind gave up.

There are always those dreams or ‘perfect’ pictures of how your life should be and you just see blunt reality. You just don’t know what to do.

I certainly didn’t. I was young, ambitious and a failure, or so I felt.

It took me four years to get finally on the top of my marriage game and two more to polish it off.

6 years in total!

All that I did was trial and error, no real guidance, just ‘Be patient! Be patient!’ and  this advice was so generic, that I couldn’t do anything with it.

Yeah, patient, but what do I do with X, Y and Z? How do I solve those and how do I make it better?

The more I read and the more different subjects I explored, the more confident as a wife I became.

Such things like re-discovering your identity after marriage, how do you manage your personal goals, so that not only they fit with your marital and parental duties, but goes hand in hand with them, how do you find your own unique voice and celebrate it became my obsession, especially, that other women confirmed that they were trying to figure this out too!

I thought that I was dreaming a bad dream. So many women go through marital pains and personal growth issues and all we  say ‘Be patient’ (?!).

But where is real help? Where are the psychological techniques and mindset hacks?

We have access to that and we could solve so many issues, we could empower sooooo many women.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with someone reminding of the virtue of patience and patience is indeed and amazing virtue to master, but when you have to pull out a client from suicide (depression, lack of joy or name any way-too-common marital issue), it becomes not funny.

How come there is no such safe place, where you can actually express your concerns and not only have them heard, but have a professional advice that actually works?

That’s why was born.

While housewife may suggest that this page is only for stay-at-home mums, for me the concept of housewife is the one, who bring her family closer together, the one who inspires her family members to live the lives of more; more love, more happiness, more joy…

It doesn’t matter if you are stay at home mum or busy career woman, you still need to juggle A LOT; being a wife, a mum, a daughter, a sister, a student, an employee, an ambitious person, etc.

This page is for you.

I hope you will find the right information that You need and that really works (who has time to waist? ;)).

You will find me talking about most effective psychological techniques and hidden mindset secrets that will help you overturn your marriage within MONTHS instead of years.

I’m here to support you. I’m here to inspire you. I’m here to share with you what works.

I hope I will be able to talk to you and meet you in person 😉 in shaa Allah.

If you would like to know how to start enjoying your marriage now, email me at and we will schedule a No Obligation Free 30min Discovery Session (mind you, this session may change your life 😉 ).

“It’s been soul searching experience and time to stop and think. Do try services with positive attitude and open mind” – D. A., UK.

Sending you lots of sisterly love,

Veronika al Mahdiyah.

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